April 10, 1974
RIVERFRONT PARK EARTH MOVING CEREMONY on the Missouri Riverfront near Blanchette Creek
Remarks by Mr. Saul Wolff, President Standard Drug Company and Denwol Corporation
"Congratulations to the Board of Commissioners, to St. Charles Citizens and to our Pubic Officials.
We the people are all a very impatient group. But, few of us realize the tremendous task undertaken in this redevelopment project. The abuse heaped upon anyone or group that undertakes a community project, be it large or small, certainly is understood by many of us who have been involved.
Today, we see a 28 year old dream coming into being. Two to four years from now, with God’s help and a little cooperation from the weatherman, we all will look upon this project with wonderment that such progress in this program of beauty and rehabilitation has really occurred. As a very interested person, I see a tremendous amount of good, solid progress and prosperity – a stabilization of the oldest and largest shopping area and a fine park and historical area , a credit to St. Charles. This historical project is equal and in some ways better than others throughout this great country of ours.
This really is an Earth Moving Ceremony and I’m very happy to be a part of it. It is my hope that St. Charles will move from a tiny dot on the map to a large star and with its rich historical history will become known favorably through this great country of ours.
Again, congratulations and good wishes for a job well done so far – and through cooperation, to complete in the near future this Riverfront Park where thousands of people can come and enjoy a lovely historical setting along this Missouri River.
Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of it."
Project constructed and paid for as part of Redevelopment Authority Project. |
Construction Cost Summary: |
Storm Sewer Extensions |
$47,437 |
Filling and Grading |
$216,468 |
Landscaping, lighting and furnishings |
$80,666 |
Engineering and Design |
$16,162 |
Total Cost |
$360,733 |

Background - Significant Dates and Events: |
1946 |
Citizen group of Saul Wolff, Helmuth Dallmeyer, and Frank Rauch accompany Norb Waplehorst, City Park Director to Kansas City to meet with Corps of Engineers to begin discussion of a park along the Missouri River at St. Charles |
1969-1970 |
City of St. Charles received deeds to park land |
Charlie Hafer leads a citizen negotiating team to obtain Quit Claim Deeds from owners whose adjoining land had been described as extending to the river prior to purchase of rights of way by the railroad in the late 1800's. Deeds were obtained from the Hwy 115 bridge to south of Blanchette Creek. |
1969 |
Section of land along the riverfront near the foot of First Capitol Drive is cleared of brush and smaller trees by Boy Scout Troop #375, Mr. Walter Hiscke, Troop Leader. A small park like area is established. |
1972 |
Original permit for park construction from Corps of Engineers to City of St. Charles granted with conditions - July 2, 1972 |
Land from Madison to south of Blanchette Creek turned over to Redevelopment Authority for construction of park - August 1972 |
1974 |
Park grading plans approved by Corps of Engineers - March 27, 1974 |
Storm Sewer extension construction begins June 1973 and completed May 1974 (delayed by Missouri River flooding 1973) |
Park filling and grading work begins - April 10, 1974 |
Park filling and grading completion - November 1974 |
Glosier Construction, general contractor. 127,000 cubic yards of new fill dirt were brought to the site to construct the park. Original size 13 acres. |
1975 |
Pathway construction, lighting, furnishing and landscaping begins - June 1975. |
Dedication of Riverfront Park August 15, 1975. |
Park turned back to City of St. Charles as a completed project and improvements dedicated as a Public Park and transferred to Park & Recreation Department. |
Park officially named "Frontier Park" |
Official First Lighting, Norbert Wapelhorst, Dusk, August 15, 1975. |
Festival of the Little Hills opens in Frontier Park, August 15, 1975, Joel Watkins, Festival Committee Chairman. |